What is Calcium Blood Test and Why is it Done in Patients in Sri Lanka?

Why is Calcium amount in blood important?

Calcium is a mineral that plays a vital role in various bodily functions. Its presence in the blood is significant as it helps maintain bone health, muscle function, and nerve function. As an essential component of bone tissue, calcium is necessary for bone growth, repair, and maintenance. Its role in muscle contraction is also important as it aids in the movement of muscles, including the heart muscle. Calcium is also necessary for transmitting nerve impulses throughout the body, making it crucial for proper neurological function. Thus, keeping track of calcium in the blood is essential in ensuring the body functions optimally. A calcium blood test is carried out to find the amount of calcium in blood. But, the reasons for testing is broad. So, keep reading the article further.

Why is a Calcium blood test done?

A calcium blood test may be necessary for various reasons, including routine health checkups or monitoring and diagnosing medical conditions that could impact your blood calcium levels. If you experience symptoms such as 

  1. Constipation
  2. Nausea
  3. Abdominal pain
  4. Muscle cramps
  5. Tingling could indicate

could indicate high or low calcium levels in your blood. However, some individuals with abnormal calcium levels may not exhibit any symptoms. Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as 

  1. Kidney disease
  2. Thyroid or parathyroid disease
  3. Malnutrition
  4. Absorption problems
  5. Certain types of cancer

may require a calcium blood test to ensure their calcium levels are within a healthy range.

Also Read:-Renal Rundown: Navigating Kidney Diseases in Sri Lanka
Bloods collected to do Calcium blood test 

How is a calcium blood test carried out?

A calcium blood test is a simple and quick test typically carried out in a healthcare provider’s office or a laboratory. Here are the general steps involved:

  1. Preparation: You may be asked to fast for a certain period (usually 8-12 hours) before the test. Your healthcare provider will provide specific instructions on any necessary preparations.
  2. Blood draw: A healthcare provider/nurse will draw a little blood sample from a vein in your arm using a needle. You may sense a slight pinch or prick during the procedure.
  3. Sample analysis: The blood sample is sent to a laboratory for analysis. The calcium level in your blood is measured by a machine that detects the number of calcium ions in the sample.
  4. Results: Your healthcare provider will receive the test results indicating the calcium level in your blood. They will interpret the results and discuss any necessary next steps with you.

The test results can help diagnose and monitor various medical conditions and guide the appropriate treatment plan. Go through the article further for more information about the results.

What do the results say?

A total calcium blood test result can provide valuable insights into your health status. Abnormal calcium levels may indicate various conditions, ranging from overactive parathyroid glands to certain cancer or bone disorders. On the other hand, low calcium levels may be a sign of malnutrition, kidney disease, or pancreatitis.

It’s important to note that while a calcium blood test can be informative, it does not provide information on the calcium levels in your bones. For that, you may need to undergo a bone density scan, which can assess the mineral content and other aspects of your bones.

If you receive abnormal results from a calcium blood test, don’t panic. Many factors, including diet and medications, can affect your calcium levels. Instead, talk to your healthcare provider to better understand your results and determine any necessary next steps. Remember, knowledge is power when it comes to your health!

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