When should a pregnant mom go to a VOG doctor?

Being pregnant is a wonderful feeling! Whether you hear the news you are pregnant for the first time or fifth time, you might be definitely surprised because it is the most exciting moment in every mother’s life. It creates a jumble of emotions, from excitement to fear and more. No matter if this was planned or not, every mother will surprise at this moment. That’s why you may be looking for the perfect ways to keep yourself and your baby healthy by channeling a VOG doctor, following guidelines, eating healthy, and doing everything else you can. 

If you are such kind of a careful mom-to-be, first of all, we appreciate you. You are worthy of entitling as a most valuable person among living beings. You have come to the perfect place to be aware of pregnancy care. Deedmed Lives’ awareness program always carries knowledge for pregnant mothers. You can follow our blog articles, reach us via social media platforms(Facebook, Instagram) and keep your eye open for our health updates. One of our recent blog articles explained how to be healthy during your pregnancy, and we think you might review that article once you have finished this. Follow the attached link below to read it. In this article, you will learn everything from how to know if you are pregnant to seeing your VOG doctor in the third trimester.

How to keep a pregnant mom healthy

How to know if you are pregnant?

Many home pregnancy tests let you identify if you are pregnant. You can try one or several tests out of them and check once you show the common signs of pregnancy after recent intercourses. Common signs or symptoms of early pregnancy are missed periods, morning sickness, Nausea and vomiting, breast changes, tiredness, and frequent urination. But several or all of these conditions can be included in mental and physical stress or illnesses. However, you can carry out those home tests before seeing a VOG doctor if you suspect you are pregnant. You are probably sure pregnant if you gain positive results from one or several tests. Then, you can meet any physician and explain your situation. After several checkups, the healthcare provider will confirm whether you are pregnant.

Earlier signs of pregnancy

A woman who is suspected to be pregnant can experience one or several of the following symptoms. You must understand these happen due to the significant hormonal changes in the body due to fertilization. Some women experience many symptoms, while others experience only a few. This is due to the changes in hormonal activities from person-to-person. They may include,

  • Missed periods
  • Nausea and vomiting- Even though this is called morning sickness, it can occur at any time of the day.
  • Breast tenderness and enlargement
  • Fatigue or tiredness.
  • Passing urine more often than usual, particularly at night.
  • Food cravings, distaste for foods you usually like, and a sour or metallic taste that persists even when you’re not eating (dysgeusia).

As previously mentioned in the article, many symptoms listed above, like Nausea and vomiting, tiredness, Food cravings, etc., can be conditions due to stress or sickness. Doing a urine test at home and seeing a doctor would be best.

You can easily schedule appointments or immediately meet doctors in Sri Lanka with your mobile phone, computer, or tablet. You have to download Deedmed Lives mobile app from Google Play Store or Apple Store and register as a patient. 

If you aren’t aware of these telemedicine visits and their benefits for a pregnant mother, please click the link below and reach our latest article. You can learn everything you need to improve the care of pregnancy life through online doctor channeling and telemedicine.

Telemedicine and pregnancy

 When should a pregnant mother see a VOG Doctor?

Once your family physician has confirmed you are pregnant, you must consider adopting to your pregnancy life. You have to plan everything to make your baby healthy and ensure your pregnancy goes as smoothly as possible. 

We recommend every pregnant mom for her first prenatal visit within eight weeks of her last menstrual period. Mind that every baby is different, and every pregnancy differs from the others. So, visit and channel a VOG doctor even if you aren’t pregnant for the first time in your life and even if you have babies. The best care starts there. And also, following the doctor’s advice during the prenatal care period, including regular appointments, is essential to the health of both you and your baby.

Channeling a doctor for your prenatal care in Sri Lanka is now very easy with Deedmed Lives. You can easily download our mobile application and register in a few minutes. Island’s best medical officers in every field are registered with us to provide unmatched service and experience for you through online video consultations. If you need to know how it works further, please click on the below links and review the articles.

Telemedicine and pregnancy
Channel a doctor in Sri Lanka with these easy steps.
An ultra sound scan for a pregnant woman by a vog doctor

First appointment

This normally happens within 6-12 weeks of your pregnancy. It will include a full physical exam, including breast and pelvic exams. Sometimes, a urine test or a blood test may be included.

On the first appointment with your Ob/Gyn, the service provider will let you know the followings.

  • Your due date
  • Any potential hereditary, health-related, or age-related pregnancy risk factors
  • Your family health history
  • Your best schedule of prenatal care

Then your visiting plan will be scheduled until you are ready for the delivery. The doctor usually prescribes necessary medicines, including Folic Acids and other vitamins, according to your condition. Also, a VOG doctor will help you recognize potential emergencies. You have to follow that advice strictly. The following schedule is the regular prenatal schedule of visits in any country. However, it can change and be unique to you, depending on your situation. 

First Trimester

You are advised to visit the doctor once a month during 4 to 28 weeks of your pregnancy. Later in the first trimester, you can hear your baby’s heartbeat through an ultrasound scan because your baby’s heartbeat starts to hear after the first 10 weeks of your pregnancy.

Second Trimester

The second trimester starts from the 28th week and ends from the 36th week. During this time, you may be advised to frequent prenatal visits. Usually, a pregnant mom has to visit the VOG doctor once every 2 weeks in the second trimester.

Third Trimester

Now, you will have to visit your healthcare provider once every week until you deliver the baby. This happens during weeks 36 to 40. 


Many times, a pregnant mother needs a doctor’s advice. Even if midwives are there to inspect and help you with these, it will not be enough. Since your and your child’s health is the top priority, you may have to ask your consultant for an appointment whenever you feel bad. So, it is precious if you can build intense contact between your healthcare provider and you. 

It will be challenging to travel to the VOG doctor and consult most frequently, and it is impossible to visit the clinic in case of an emergency. That’s why Deedmed Lives has been implemented. Pregnant mothers can use Deedmed Lives to get doctor’s advice via video consultations and obtain prescriptions quickly at home. Also, you can direct the prescription to your pharmacy partner inside Deedmed Lives and get your medicine delivered anywhere in Sri Lanka. If you need to learn how to use the application, refer to the following article. It is worth learning and using this new technology because you don’t have to take the risk for your baby’s life. It is the most important thing!

Click here to learn how pregnant mothers can use Deedmed Lives for their doctor visits.:- Telemedicine and pregnancy


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