Why Sri Lanka needs an innovative telehealth service right now?

Before introducing about telehealth service, I will explain you why it is urgent and a timely answer. It is not surprising that Sri Lanka is now facing the biggest crisis ever in its history. Due to the global and local problems that arose in the last few years, the upcoming period will be the worst so far. People may have to face a food shortage even if they have enough money to buy food. There will be an anomaly in the distribution of products like essential foods, grains, oil, and medicine too.

Children are ready to face increased malnutrition than usual if the government cannot find a solution. However, since everyone in the country is struggling to survive and prevent the people from facing much danger, they often fight with climatic changes, tiredness, and sometimes against rowdies and thieves. The number of criminal acts has increased due to the current situation, reporting them daily. 

All of these increase the demand for the health care sector in the country. For example, imagine someone’s little daughter is suffering from fever. However, the family needs to travel more than 10KM to see a doctor. Their vehicles are out of fuel and must wait for more than 6-12 hours to fill the tanks. Emotionally, we can answer as a father, and he will do anything to save his daughter. But, even you who are reading this can understand the reality. How is it even possible? Can someone do this for a long time? It makes the father feel tired and get ill. This needs an answer.

So, struggling with the government to do this is logical. Actually, the government should answer the people immediately and solve the problem. But, what should we do till they solve it? When it comes to the healthcare sector, the questions demand immediate answers. Is it fair to risk a life just for the shortage of oil?

Probably not. The people in this country need a solution that works. Even without going to a doctor, people in developed countries get health care advice beyond the imagination. Yeah, what I am talking about is telemedicine or telehealth. Some others call it e-channelling. However, people need an innovative solution for 21st-century health care. The revolution that telemedicine can make in the field of health in Sri Lanka is unbelievable. I am not talking about something which only benefits upper-class families. But now is the time for a telehealth network that rushes fast through rural families in the country. 

Although this is new to Sri Lanka, one needs to understand that this is the best solution based on what I have said before. Furthermore, running into hospitals in the upcoming period for doctors’ advice is impossible. Even if it is more challenging, a telemedicine service which provides comfortable communication between the doctor and patient will be easier. So, before discussing the strange things broadly, it is better if you understand what telehealth is.

What is a telehealth service?

Defining telehealth service is not too hard. It’s straightforward when viewed from the user’s point of view. We first examine and understand this from the patient’s point of view.

A telehealth service allows patients to easily schedule appointments with the best doctor they need at the moment. Not only scheduling but the patients can quickly meet a doctor and get advice and prescriptions. Most commonly, telemedicine includes state-of-the-art information technology, especially two-way interactive audio/video communication, and computers and telemetry to provide health care to remote patients and exchange information between primary care physicians and professionals at some distance. 

How can telehealth services solve health care problems in Sri Lanka?

A better platform for patients with some advanced technological capabilities may upgrade the health care facilities. But you may ask how? I avoid explaining those directly or at first. Before I am going to explain to you what are the health care problems in Sri Lanka with both government and private medical hospitals in Sri Lanka.

If you have ever visited a government hospital, you probably know how the works are going. I am not criticizing the government hospitals. Providing medical facilities free of charge is something we should appreciate and respect. What I am trying to convey is that the concept is better, and the management is not good, though. When it comes to managing several departments and parties, the best way is to have systematic methods. For instance, how you feel if you had to wait in a long queue from morning to evening just to get treatments for your headache? Isn’t it a hassle?

What are the services that a telehealth service provider should offer as solutions?

So, ever thought about an opportunity to take a doctor’s advice in a while. Without waiting in queues, without waiting at pharmacies and even without travelling here and there? How was it as easy as buying something online and get delivered to your doorstep? Telehealth solves the main health care problems in Sri Lanka in this way. It makes it even easier to meet your doctor within just two steps staying comfortably at any time anywhere.

If your platform has developed features like interactive video calling, why should you wait in queues all day long for health care facilities? When you need to relax, it enhances your disorder. Right? 

If Sri Lankan people have a developed platform to schedule and make appointments with doctors just via an app, yes, it will definitely be a revolution in the health care sector. Going beyond that is something that connects patients with doctors, specialists, psychologists, and pharmacies on the same platform. Sri Lankan people who need medical facilities throughout the island will be furnished with the easiest and most comfortable medical experience ever. 

People need an innovative solution like this not for no reason but because they have come across a long tiring journey around medical facilities. Even when they are attending clinic visits, they have to wait and spend too much time. So, the change is in their hand. Who needs this change should embrace a telehealth service which gives the above-mentioned services and something beyond that. Like, such as scheduling their clinic visit and delivering the prescription right way to the home etc. 

Tell us your opinion in the comment section. As I mentioned, the solution may be right in your hand. It is your duty as a Sri Lankan to embrace the change. In the next blog, we can discuss further how telemedicine will be effective inside Sri Lanka and more. So, keep our newsletter subscribed to never miss future updates. Stay safe. 

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