Online channeling in Sri Lanka is not almost a new topic. But, we can identify it as something strange to the people from cities and towns, upper-class to lower-class, and youth to adults. However, most of the groups mentioned above are familiar with online purchasing, taxi hiring, auctioning, etc. Some people might be searching for a platform to buy their prescription online though they are facing many inconveniences.
The pharmacists might not be familiar with the digital media to deliver the products, there can be an inconvenience in communication, errors with the platforms, and sometimes there can be rules and regulations to control misuse of the prescriptions. Due to these challenges, many of the online channeling platforms in Sri Lanka are inefficient, and people are not using them. However, a number of people from the group of communities I mentioned earlier are searching for such a platform for several reasons. Let’s explore them as follows.
Why are people searching for an online channeling platform in Sri Lanka?
To overcome the busy lifestyle.
Commonly, most of those people have busy lifestyles. They are working hard to challenge the living competition between individuals or families. To overcome the busy lifestyle, they need easy ways for essential requirements to reduce the time spent for them. Since medical needs are imperative, they must need something which saves their time. A proper telemedicine application can quickly reduce the total time to pay for their medical needs annually. That group community demands an active telemedicine platform as soon as possible.
To be smart and innovative.
The other reason is that people are trying to be even more innovative tomorrow than yesterday. They react to innovations with positive minds and identify the benefits. Otherwise, it can improve their living style and make them feel progressive. Actually, if we talk about a telehealth platform from this point of view, it will be a tremendous positive mindset to embrace. Furthermore, such a platform’s smart and innovative mechanism may also make the people in the box smart. It will gradually develop positive attitudes about the new technology among most generations in Sri Lanka.

To lower the healthcare costs.
The daily expenditures of the Sri Lankan people are rising out of control. The essential products and services are rising to the sky in the ongoing situation. So, people are facing many inconveniences in purchasing them. Many are looking for alternatives but have no other options for medicine. In this case, reducing healthcare costs may be challenging because no one can ignore them. However, they have got the point that if they can reduce the cost of traveling to see a doctor, people can at least ignore the traveling cost and save time too. The position will be owned by a better online channeling platform that supports them to reduce travel costs and save money but is efficient and trusted.
Increase the comfortability
Comfort and easy access ease something everyone prefers to have in their day-to-day life. Rest and relaxation are prioritized when you are not feeling well. If you have everything near your bed in your room in your home, it becomes even more comfortable. People have searched for this comfortability over the decades. Sri Lankan citizens have seen people in developed countries enjoy this via innovation and gradual development. A person who always likes such a life and feels relaxed in such a life undoubtedly prioritizes everyday things that make work more accessible at any moment. Any doubts about online channeling with them? They will embrace and put it to good use.
Better access to healthcare services
If your doctor can go through every report of your medical history with a date range or a keyword in a second, how accurate will your treatment be? Let’s discuss it separately in another article since it’s a broad topic. Somehow understand the value of having a family doctor who treats you according to you but not according to how an ordinary human body acts. Otherwise, how about having an opportunity to make an appointment instantly with the surgeon just after your doctor’s recommendation, like switching channels on the television.
Why is it right for you?
If you have gone through the above paragraphs with attention, you will not spend your time reading this. No matter. Better going through this paragraph if you are so eager. Somehow, these are just a few things you may reward with such a platform. But a lot to come to you with a proper online channeling application in Sri Lanka.
Deedmed Lives conducted many surveys that should be around Sri Lanka before establishing such a platform. We have identified the necessary requirements of Island-wide patients to give you the most efficient and the right platform. As the results of the Survey above facts have come to you and people got aware. We understand why Sri Lanka needs an innovative telehealth service right now? with the ongoing situation and people’s demands. Then with the best team who needs to be involved with the project has joined their hands with us. As an effort of those committed parties, Deedmed has come to you. We invite all Sri Lankan people to enjoy the results of that hard work. Make your life easy and secure.
We will always be with you!