Is it safe to obtain online prescriptions?

When it comes to minor diseases, there is no need to see a doctor by visiting. Even though it is inconvenient, most people in countries like Sri Lanka visit doctors due to the lack of long-distance healthcare facilities and knowledge to obtain online prescriptions. Healthcare tradition here has practiced them to see the doctor, get a prescription, buy medicines from a pharmacy, obtain laboratory reports, etc. This process costs too much money and is also a waste of time. That’s why Sri Lankan people badly need an effective long-distance healthcare system established very soon.

Can you obtain online prescriptions without consulting a doctor?

The answer is “No.”You can obtain prescriptions without visiting a doctor at his clinic but not without consulting a doctor. You must get a prescription only from a doctor. However, by consulting doctors online, you can reduce costs, time, and effort using new technology. 

How can you obtain online prescriptions in Sri Lanka?

You may already know of an emerging field called Telehealth, which uses technology to deliver healthcare. Telemedicine is a part of Telehealth that primarily refers to an online consultation with a physician, usually conducted via video chat over a phone or computer. The comfort of Telemedicine appeals to many patients. 

You can obtain a prescription without physically traveling to a doctor via Telemedicine. You can talk to a doctor and get a diagnosis using technology. If medication is required for your condition, the doctor will send the prescription to the pharmacy of your choice. You can then receive the prescription via the application or have it mailed to you. Telemedicine is a timely way to fill prescriptions without always visiting the doctor’s office.

Telemedicine can make healthcare 200% faster than regular doctor visits. These consultations can take 10-15 minutes and can be done at home. Just click here to acknowledge Telemedicine and its features clearly to understand how it works. 

Obtaining prescriptions via video conferencing after a doctor contains some easy steps. First, you must register in better Telemedicine or telehealth application that is reliable, advanced, and user-friendly. After that, make an appointment with a relevant doctor, physician, or specialist. Start getting advice by joining him via a video call and obtaining an online prescription. 

Better Telemedicine or telehealth application may allow you to order the medicine easily through the same application. So, buying the medicine in a prescription will be even easier if the application you choose delivers the medicines to your doorstep. Deedmed Lives is a platform that connects doctors, pharmacists, and patients in the same venue. This innovative platform will help you with accessible healthcare facilities. Somehow, after selecting such a platform, you will never need to visit hospitals or clinics to treat minor diseases.

Things to keep in mind when obtaining a prescription via Telemedicine.

Although Telemedicine may be a convenient option for many patients, there are a few things to keep in mind before availing of these services. Following are the critical concerns that everyone has to check and be aware of when using Telemedicine to satisfy healthcare needs via distanced medical facilities.

obtain online prescriptions

Go through the doctor’s profile.

If you are contacting your family doctor or any famous doctor you know and trust, ignore this part. However, when you are scheduling meetings with doctors that you don’t know well, it is better if you can explore his past or look for certificates and work history. Some of the best Telemedicine applications have the option of verifying doctors as the best service providers. If your choice also has the option, go for it without thinking twice. It is safer than any others. Whenever you need to obtain online prescriptions, try to make appointments with the previous doctors you met and provide better service.

Consider the governing law of the country.

Countries like Sri Lanka have many rules over private healthcare services. Those are very important when buying medicine from pharmacies because the doctor should be responsible for every single pill on the prescription and the pharmacist. When such a circumstance happens, the country’s governing law should give you the opportunity for justice. Somehow if you have worked irresponsibly without being aware of the country’s governing law, the law will also act against you. So, consider that whenever you need to obtain online prescriptions.

Consider the costs, discount cards, offers, and service efficiency.

Some healthcare providers, including doctors and private hospitals, always overcharge for their services, while others offer many cost-effective services, benefits, and contributions to their patients. However, they also present some terms and conditions. Therefore you will need to explore them before using the service. It is also safe if you first try the service’s efficiency before obtaining the service. Because if any interruption happens, you will lose your money and also your health.

You must be aware of the disease for which you will obtain online prescriptions.

There are also some laws to prevent misleading healthcare. These laws include doctors must see a patient in person before prescribing a controlled substance online, or the patient’s circumstances must meet one of seven exceptions outlined in the law. This creates a challenging environment for a doctor to prescribe a controlled substance through an online consultation. Some Telemedicine platforms even restrict their doctors from prescribing controlled substances. 

Telemedicine is great for common conditions like bacterial infections, sinus infections, or allergies. It can also help monitor an ongoing or chronic condition. The field of Telehealth offers patients greater convenience and, in many cases, more affordable care. 

If you are aware of the above things and you have found a better Telemedicine platform that provides its services beyond the above limits, it is very safe and convenient for you to have your healthcare through it. 

Deedmed Lives is a platform that offers you many benefits and convenience in every way. The most important part is we are always looking forward to providing services inside the governing law since our patients don’t have to face any interruptions or circumstances. Our vision is to develop a perfect digital healthcare facility for islandwide people beyond the limits. That’s why we are always with you!

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