Is your loved one suffering from epilepsy? Then you must read this.

Epilepsy or Seizure is a medical condition. It frightens us as soon as we see someone suffering. You may have seen someone suddenly falls to the ground and starts shaking when traveling, or while playing. The people around them either move out of the way. Or they start by putting different things in their mouths. Or a piece of iron is found and is in the patient’s hand. So even though seizure is a common condition and we have heard about it, people’s knowledge about first aid and what to do is minimal. Because of this, it has been seen that patients with epilepsy often face problems. Therefore, we thought of writing about this condition by making a little change from the usual articles about chronic diseases and infections. So, read this article carefully if someone in your family or a friend is suffering from epilepsy. It will be very important for you.

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What is Epilepsy?

Many of you who are reading this may have seen patients with epilepsy. As a percentage of Sri Lanka’s population, 0.3% of the population has been diagnosed with epilepsy. That means, it is estimated that there are about 60,000 of these patients currently living in Sri Lanka. What is this disease that is so common? Let’s get to know about this.

Epilepsy is a common disorder that affects the brain and causes frequent seizures. Seizures are bursts of electrical activity in the brain that temporarily affect how it works. As a result, abnormal muscle activity in a part of the body occurs. Sometimes these patients fall to the ground, roll over their eyes, and go limp. Also, they can cause a wide range of other symptoms. There is a list of such symptoms under the next subtopic. Epilepsy can start at any age but usually starts either in childhood or in people over 60. It’s often lifelong, but can sometimes get slowly better over time.

However, in the case of epilepsy, abnormal muscle activity (clonic tonic moments) may or may not be present. For example, absence seizures, and atonic seizures, don’t show any changes in muscle function. So sometimes, someone other than a doctor may not be able to diagnose epilepsy properly.

Symptoms of epilepsy

Since epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the brain’s electrical activity and can lead to seizures. The symptoms of epilepsy can vary from person to person, but some common signs and symptoms include:

  • Uncontrollable jerking and shaking movements, It is called “fits”
  • Loss of consciousness or awareness
  • Temporary confusion and disorientation
  • Fainting or blackouts
  • Body becomes rigid
  • Strange actions are performed, such as a “rising” feeling in the tummy, unusual smells or tastes, lip-smacking or chewing movements, and a tingling feeling in the patient’s arms or legs
  • Sometimes the patient might pass out and not recall what happened.

It’s important to understand all seizures are related to epilepsy, and not all people with epilepsy have seizures that involve convulsions or loss of consciousness. Some people may experience only brief episodes of staring or confusion, while others may have seizures that last for several minutes.

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek medical attention right away. A doctor can perform tests and evaluations to diagnose epilepsy or rule out other potential causes of seizures.

A man suffering from epilepsy laying on the floor

Is someone suffering from epilepsy? Consult a doctor in minutes!

Now, you can easily consult a doctor right away if someone is suffering from epilepsy. Find the nearest doctor who suits you best with Deedmed Lives in the comfort of your own home. Just go to and register or download our mobile application via the Google Play store. Consult the doctor easily via video consultations and receive the prescription through the system just in a few seconds. You can easily direct the online prescription to the nearest pharmacy and get your medicine delivered. Make your life easy and save you time. Register today for free. Visit for more information.

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Causes for epilepsy

Epilepsy is caused by many reasons. These causes may include genetic predisposition, brain injuries, infections, or structural abnormalities in the brain. In many cases, the exact cause of epilepsy may be unknown. Some people may develop epilepsy as a result of a traumatic brain injury, stroke, or infection such as meningitis or encephalitis. Others may have a genetic predisposition to the disorder, which can be passed down through families. Certain structural abnormalities in the brain, such as tumors or malformations, can also lead to epilepsy. In some cases, epilepsy may develop as a result of an unknown cause, which can make diagnosis and treatment more challenging. However, there is a list of reasons for epilepsy as follows.

  1. Genetic causes
  2. Congenital abnormalities of CNS
  3. Fever
  4. Meningitis
  5. Head trauma
  6. Diseases of the head (Dysfunction of the brain)
  7. Some medications
  8. Alcohol
  9. Mental illness

Treatment for epilepsy

Medications and lifestyle changes can be used to treat epilepsy. For example, mental discomfort and drug use are common with this. If the disease is to be properly controlled, these things must be controlled.

Lifestyle changes to control epilepsy

1. Getting proper sleep

2. Not choosing jobs that are too tiring and cause mental discomfort

3. Limiting the use of alcohol

4. Cessation of drug use

Medical management of epilepsy

Drug treatment for epilepsy must be started by a properly qualified neurologist or physiotherapist.

Find the best neurologist or physiotherapist easily and consult the doctor at your home! Quickly register and make an appointment with the best neurologist or physiotherapist in Sri Lanka from anywhere at any time. Register to Deedmed Lives for free. Consult the doctor via interactive video calling technologies. Download our mobile application via Google Play Store:-

At the same time, there are times when several treatments are used instead of one treatment. It is very important to have a good understanding of the drugs you are using.

  1. Sodium valproate
  2. Phenytoin
  3. Carbamazepine
  4. Lamotrigine
  5. Topiramate

Mentioned above are some of the commonly used treatments. However, it should be said that these are medicines that should be obtained and issued only on the prescription of the doctor.

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