Why do people get gastritis and how to treat gastritis?

Although this is a famous infection among most Sri Lankans, many of them only know a little about how it happened, how to treat it, etc. The reason is everyone thinks the infection is getting only when they don’t eat. But that’s not true. And as a result, gastritis patients don’t care too much to get treated forever. But we aren’t scaring you, gastritis is a very risky disease that even can cause death and severe illnesses. However, early proper treatments can heal patients with gastritis and it will help them to stay healthy and comfortable since this illness is very uncomfortable if you get it at any time. Here in this article, we will discuss how to treat gastritis properly from what is gastritis.

What is gastritis and how is it caused?

Simply, gastritis is an inflammatory condition of the stomach. It happens in the lining of the human stomach. When someone is suffering from gastritis, their stomach becomes irritated (inflamed) and causes pain, indigestion, and feeling sick. 

This situation is caused by the stomach which is the widest part of the human digestive system. It is designed to temporarily store food, digest food and carry out limited absorption. The basic function of the stomach is digestion. Food digestion is carried out by acidic juices. This juice is known as gastric juice and its main ingredient is Hydrochloric Acid(HCl). You may know HCl is a strong acid. The juice necessary for the process is also produced and secreted by the glands in the stomach’s wall itself. The strong acid HCl is also produced there. There is a layer of epithelial cells stabilizing the cavity inside the stomach. A layer of mucus on the outside protects the gastric wall from the inside. The gastric juice is directly prevented by the previously mentioned mucous layer. Damage to this mucous layer is the main cause of gastritis. 

Know more about HCl here:- https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-09/documents/hydrochloric-acid.pdf

In addition, Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori), which causes infection of the stomach wall, is also the cause of gastritis. This bacterium was recently discovered. Earlier, only the types of food and eating patterns that a person eats were considered to be the causes of gastritis. Normally, the growth of this bacteria is controlled by the immunity system in the human body and thus the damage to the mucous layer is also controlled. But if the immunity system of the body is weakened for any reason or if the immunity is weakened, the H.pylori bacteria grows and damages the mucous layer. Then the gastric juice comes into contact with the stomach wall, eroding it and becoming infected, causing gastritis. 

These are the two identified methods of causing gastritis in the human body. Before getting to know how to treat gastritis let’s understand the reasons for causing the disease in you.

Gastroenterologist consultation, treatment of stomach diseases and ulcers.

Reasons for causing gastritis

While it is true that skipping meals or going without food for extended periods can cause acidity and even lead to stomach inflammation, it is not the only cause of gastritis. There are several reasons why someone might develop gastritis. Let’s see one by one briefly.

Not taking meals on time

There is usually acidity in the stomach. Hydrochloric acid (Hcl) is secreted in the stomach for food digestion. Due to not eating for a long time, hydrochloric acid (Hcl) can corrode the stomach wall.

Due to stress

There is some truth about gastritis due to stress. When a person is stressed, various hormones are secreted in the body. Cortisol hormones and Adrenalin hormones can be pointed out as the types of hormones that are secreted in this way. These hormones have been found to cause gastritis. If you are always under stress, the secretion of these hormones can cause gastritis.

Does not drinking enough water cause gastritis?

This isn’t a direct cause of gastritis. But when you drink enough water, gastritis can be reduced by decreasing the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Still, not taking food and water for a long time can lead to gastritis.

Excessive alcohol consumption

This is a bad habit that is directly linked to causing gastritis. Since high alcohol consumption weakens the immune system and makes the stomach more susceptible to inflammation. Bile reflux, in which bile from the small intestine backs up into the stomach, can also cause irritation and inflammation.

These are the main identified reasons for causing gastritis in your stomach. Try to avoid these situations as much as possible to prevent gastritis. Also, many other day-to-day practices and habits help you to avoid getting gastritis and we will discuss them in a separate article. Now, here we are going to let you know how to treat gastritis properly. Before it, we must tell you some symptoms of the disease so that you can easily identify and refer to early treatments.

Symptoms of gastritis

Gastritis does not show any symptoms in the initial stage. Most short-term gastritis conditions resolve on their own without any treatment. But as the disease progresses, symptoms such as upper abdominal pain, chest inflammation, nausea, vomiting, etc. may occur. Sometimes gastric infections in the stomach wall. If it grows deep, internal bleeding can occur and even anemia can occur. So, going into early treatments when you or your doctor have identified you have gastritis can save you from many serious health issues. Let’s see how to do it.

How to treat gastritis

If you suspect you have gastritis, the first step is to see a doctor before the situation gets worsen. Your doctor may ask about symptoms and medical history and may perform tests such as blood tests, stool tests, or an endoscopy to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other potential causes.

What does an endoscopy do when treating gastritis?

Gastritis is determined by the endoscopy test. It is not possible to diagnose gastritis with a blood test. In this test, a camera is inserted through the mouth to the stomach. Thus, photographs of the stomach wall are taken. It is possible to know whether there has been an injury or gastric juice secretion from the wall of the stomach.

The endoscopy test can determine whether the symptoms that have occurred in the stomach are symptoms of gastritis or stomach cancer. Stomach inflammation and stomach pain can be symptoms of stomach cancer. People over 40 years of age have recently If there are symptoms of gastritis, it could be stomach cancer.

Normally, how to treat gastritis using drugs?

Medicines that are often given for gastritis are medicines that are given to reduce acidity. Also, most of the medicines given for gastritis are the type of medicine that reduces the secretion of hydrochloric acid (HCl) into the stomach. Medicines called Omeprazole, Pantaprazole, Lansoprazole, and Famotidine reduce hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the stomach. ) is given to reduce secretions. 

For example, Omeprazole 20 mg once a day, pantaprazole 40 mg once a day, and Famotidine 20 or 40 mg once or twice a day. These drugs are given as capsules or tablets. It is best to take this omeprazole, or pantaprazole medicine about an hour before meals.

Attention!:- These medications are only for the knowledge. Avoid taking them over the pharmacy and intake without the advice of a doctor.

Consult a specialist for gastritis at your home!

Now, any Sri Lankan patient from anywhere suffering from gastritis can quickly make an appointment with a doctor from their phone, tablet, or computer at their home. Visit www.deedmed.lk for information or you can easily register via www.deedmed.lk/patient or download the mobile application via the Google Play store. Click on the below link to download the application.

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