Understanding the connection between diabetes and your body

Chronic conditions are the biggest obstacle when it comes to maintaining our physical and mental health. It affects our mental and physical equilibrium causing many adverse effects on day-to-day life. We have been discussing some chronic diseases like Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) and Liver disease. Also, we have brought you much valuable information in one of our previous blogs about how to find diabetes treatment easily. Click on the below link and review that article. Diabetes is also a chronic disease that affects your lifestyle. However, we are going to discuss the connection between diabetes and your body in this blog article. In this, we will discuss what is diabetes and how to treat it to avoid the obstacles of diabetes to enjoy your life.

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What is diabetes and your body?

Simply, it happens when your blood glucose level goes high. But, if we define diabetes, diabetes mellitus is a condition caused by a long-term increase in blood sugar levels due to a decrease in the secretion of the hormone insulin, resistance to the action of the insulin hormone in the body, or both. Due to insulin deficiency and resistance to the action of the insulin hormone, glucose utilization in the body decreases, and glucose production increases. Therefore, the blood sugar level increases.

There are 2 types of diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Normally, type 1 diabetes occurs due to a severe lack of insulin hormone in the body. The hormone insulin is secreted by a type of cell called the Islets of Langerhans or Pancreatic Islets in the pancreas. Type 1 diabetes results from the complete or extensive destruction of these cells. This type of diabetes is most common in people under the age of 40. Controlling this disease requires daily insulin injections, diet, and lifestyle changes.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Type 2 diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body becomes resistant to the action of the insulin hormone. It mostly occurs in people over 40 years of age. Controlling type 2 diabetes requires oral medications, diet, and lifestyle changes. Some patients also need insulin hormone injections.

diabetes and your body

What causes diabetes in you?

Diabetes can be caused in a person’s body by a combination of genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors. It is a must to understand these factors when discussing about diabetes and your body. Specific causes may vary depending on the type of diabetes mentioned above. However, most of the patients who suffer from diabetes in Sri Lanka complain to their mother or father because they have got diabetes due to genetic reasons. But medical facts show that a person can challenge diabetes and maintain a healthy lifestyle by engaging in appropriate exercise to get used to a proper diet. So, the following are the main reasons for developing diabetes.

  1. Genetics
  2. Obesity
  3. Sedentary lifestyle
  4. Aging
  5. Eating pattern


A person has a high probability of developing diabetes when a parent has diabetes. Also, if you are a woman with Type 1 diabetes, and also you had a child after 25, your child has more risk of developing diabetes. It is doubled if you have developed diabetes before 11. This is because there is a strong genetic component in the case of type 1 diabetes. People with certain specific genes have a higher risk of developing type 1 diabetes. However, having these genes does not necessarily mean that a person will develop the condition. Also, environmental factors, food patterns, and many things may affect them.


Obesity or having too much fat in the body is linked to diabetes. It is a risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes. When excessive fat leads to insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes is developed because insulin resistance is the key factor in developing type 2 diabetes. 

Sedentary lifestyle

Since physical activities make our body responsive to insulin, it helps to reduce diabetes risk. This develops and strong connection between diabetes and your body. When we are sedentary and inactive, it increases the risk of getting diabetes. Also, there are many indirect reasons like, when we are spending a sedentary lifestyle, it may cause obesity due to low fat and calorie burning. Otherwise, physical activities regulate blood sugar levels. When we are making muscles work their cells uptake glucose. It reduces the reliance on insulin. When you are sedentary this process doesn’t happen.


When someone is getting old, changes in insulin sensitivity, changes in body composition, and impaired pancreatic functions happen. Also, lifestyle may change from active to sedentary. Those may increase the risk of diabetes by the body’s cells becoming less sensitive to insulin. 

Eating pattern

Eating patterns and dietary choices directly affect the development and management of diabetes. You will be advised to control your diet whenever you go to a doctor for treating diabetes. It is a must. That almost gives a hint about how eating patterns may affect the risk of diabetes. Lots of carbohydrates and fat intake, directly and indirectly, increase the diabetes risk. At the same time intaking a lot of fiber, and balanced meals may help to reduce the risk of diabetes. 

Treating diabetes

Diabetes is hard to treat forever. But, it can be controlled and managed. It is a must to take the doctor’s advice if you feel like suffering from diabetes. Our next article will introduce you to the symptoms of diabetes while we are letting you know, Deedmed Lives chronic patient management service will help you to get rid of diabetes and to be treated regularly. All you need to do is join Deedmed Lives by clicking the following link and consult a doctor.

Join Deedmed Lives here.

The doctor will advise you to follow the necessary treatments via video consulting. You can stay home and attend the necessary treatments regularly by cutting off traveling costs and high medical costs. Our chronic condition management service is for all who need continuous attention and treatment for their conditions. It is easy, reliable, and fast. Join us today and enjoy medical needs in the comfort of your own home.

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