Preventing Chronic Kidney Disease among the people in Sri Lanka

Preventing Chronic Kidney Disease among the people in Sri Lanka

In this monthly article series, we have discussed the disease spread and the facts that affect kidney diseases among Sri Lankans. This 3rd article will discuss how to prevent this chronic kidney disease among Sri Lankans. If you have missed the previous 2 articles, consider clicking on the below links and reading them.

Renal Rundown: Facts that Affect Kidney Diseases in Sri Lanka

Renal Rundown: Navigating Kidney Diseases in Sri Lanka

Steps to prevent chronic kidney disease among the people in Sri Lanka

Since the leading cause of kidney diseases among these people is the high consumption of agrochemicals in agriculture, we will discuss some suggestions to reduce the use of agrochemicals to prevent CKD spread.

Regulating the use of agrochemicals

Agrochemicals, including pesticides and fertilizers, have been identified as significant contributors to CKD in the country. Therefore, strict enforcement of existing laws and regulations is crucial to reduce their usage in agriculture.

Renal Rundown: Facts that Affect Kidney Diseases in Sri Lanka
Renal Rundown: Navigating Kidney Diseases in Sri Lanka

Since the leading cause of kidney diseases among these people is the high consumption of agrochemicals in agriculture, we will discuss some suggestions to reduce the use of agrochemicals to prevent CKD spread.

Increasing awareness among farmers 

In addition to enforcing existing laws, the government can also increase awareness among farmers about the potential health risks associated with the excessive use of agrochemicals. The reliance on agrochemicals can be reduced by promoting the adoption of organic farming practices, such as crop rotation, natural pest control, and composting. 

Avoiding the use of agro chemicals should be followed to prevent chronic kidney diseases in Sri Lanka

Promoting organic farming in the country

You undoubtedly have heard about the benefits of organic products. As well as organic farming also provides significant benefits to the consumers as well as to the farmers. The reason is apparent. It reduces the use of agrochemicals that can cause several diseases for consumers and producers. However, proper education and training on organic farming methods and resources should be provided to the farmers to promote this method. Somehow, encouraging them to adopt organic farming practices can significantly reduce the disease spread, risks of CKD, and harmfulness.

Promoting alternative crops

Promoting the cultivation of alternative crops that require less agrochemicals can also help reduce these chemicals’ use. Farmers can be encouraged to grow legumes, vegetables, and fruits that require fewer agrochemicals and are less prone to pest attacks. 

Introducing the necessary practices to the steps mentioned earlier to reduce the use of agrochemicals can be a wise decision as it is the leading cause of CKD spread among Sri Lankans. It can heal a large population of the country suffering from the disease. However, some other essential practices should be taken into action in households to prevent chronic kidney disease among Sri Lankans. Following are some of those that everyone with or without the risk factors of chronic kidney disease must follow to avoid the disease in their lifetime.

Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle 

This is one of the best options to prevent CKD and many chronic conditions. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can provide essential nutrients to the body and help to reduce the risk of developing diabetes and hypertension, which are major risk factors for CKD. Limiting the consumption of processed foods, salt, and sugar is also essential, which can increase the risk of developing these conditions.

Regular exercise 

Everyone knows how exercising benefits our body to manage diseases and infections. Regular exercising also can help to reduce the risk of developing CKD. Exercise can help to maintain a healthy weight, improve cardiovascular health, and reduce the risk of developing diabetes and hypertension. Engaging in moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week, is recommended.

Regular health check-ups 

Going to the tests can help detect CKD early and prevent further kidney damage. Regularly monitoring blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and kidney function is essential. Early detection and treatment can significantly improve the outcomes for individuals with CKD.

Attend health check-ups with Deedmed Lives!

Now anyone can get the assistance of medical experts in a few minutes with Deedmed Lives. You can find the island’s best doctor advice to attend medical tests to identify your conditions with the help of a doctor who works in the best hospital in Sri Lanka. It will be helpful to get their advice from their experience before going to a medical test, and they will recommend what and where. Please register to our platform via or download our mobile application via the Google Play Store or Apple Store. If you need any help or more information, please contact us immediately.

According to the specialists, preventing CKD in Sri Lanka requires a combination of measures such as promoting organic farming practices, providing access to clean drinking water, maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, engaging in regular physical activity, and chronic health check-ups, as we have mentioned in this article. So by taking these preventive measures, we can reduce the incidence of CKD and improve Sri Lankan people’s overall health and well-being. Individuals, communities, and policymakers need to work together to prevent CKD and promote a healthy and sustainable future for Sri Lanka. 

Even if we believe prevention is better than cure, we must be aware of the necessary treatments if there is any risk or if we get the disease. So, in a future article, we will discuss the best treatments in Sri Lanka for kidney diseases. 

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