Is telemedicine suitable for allergy and immunology care?

The covid-19 pandemic made many changes in the global healthcare sector. The main pathway for the changes was that people looked for distance methods to maintain their healthcare. However, most of them found gold while they were bringing just some soil to survive. What is that? It’s telemedicine. Here, most people fetched for distanced methods suffered from minor diseases, while some looked for allergy and immunology care via telemedicine. We discussed treating several minor disorders through telemedicine from the following recent articles. Follow the links below for a better idea about treating minor diseases, including headaches, colds, Flu, etc.

  1. Telemedicine treatment of colds and flu in Sri Lanka
  2. How to treat minor diseases in Sri Lanka via telemedicine?

Understanding allergy and immunology care.

First, you must learn what allergies and immunological defects are before discussing the different aspects of treatments. Once you have good knowledge about allergies and the immune system, you can understand the exact topic. 

Allergies and immunological defects

Although allergies and the active immune system are two sides of the same coin, allergies and immunological defects are opposing topics. Generally, when different things are entered into the body by any means, including swallowing, breathing, or through contact with an object immune system starts responding by showing allergic symptoms. These may include dust, pollens, pet dander, grass, weeds, mites, insects, or food. There is a misunderstanding among the people who don’t know the thing. They think that people with immunodeficiencies do not have problems with allergies. These allergies are shown when you are immunocompetent. Otherwise, you will get worse symptoms than allergies. People with immune deficiencies show those symptoms when they get touched with something like the one mentioned above. That is a disease that is far greater than a burden of an allergy.

Allergies can be identified in many different ways. Allergy and immunology care describes they are specific to the allergen taken. Also, a person can have more than 1 allergy simultaneously. The results of the allergens are not only specific to the allergen but also differ from person to person. Once a person acquires allergic antibodies introduced as IgE, the person starts to show symptoms due to allergic reactions. IgE antibodies bind tightly to allergic cells called mast cells, or basophils, that surround the skin, airways, gastrointestinal tract, and blood vessels. According to the features of the allergic antibodies, allergic reactions occur, and the person starts to show different symptoms. Some of the most common allergic issues are mentioned below.

  • Hay Fever
  • Allergic Asthma
  • Food Allergies
  • Food Intolerances
  • Drug Allergies
  • Eczema

Get in touch to get to know about these allergies widely. We will bring you an article describing these allergies soon.

Allergy and immunology care

Allergy and immunology care via telemedicine

History is essential

Home remedies can solve most allergies. But, it is better to seek medical advice as soon as you get the symptoms. When treating allergies, the results depend on several factors. One of the most critical factors is your medical history. You must have clear documents that your doctor can quickly go through and make the treatments effective. It is a crucial benefit when it comes to telemedicine for allergy care. 

In the best way at the right time.

Some people don’t concern that they need treatments for allergies. They might feel like it is just my allergy and doesn’t require medications. They don’t take the symptoms so seriously unless they get worse. However, the situation arose with so many risks. Most of them don’t care because they are lazy to go to a doctor. So, telemedicine is the best answer for such people to be safe and obtain allergy and immunology care in the best way at the right time.

Safe prescriptions

Since an allergy isn’t big, you can have many safe prescriptions from a doctor without letting the symptoms worsen. Following are some of the usual medications for treating allergies and immune defects. 

Nose sprays 

These are used to reduce swelling. Swelling causes nasal congestion, runny nose, and itching. These are the most effective type of nasal allergy medication.

Oral corticosteroids 

It may be prescribed to reduce swelling and stop severe allergic reactions. These drugs can cause serious side effects. Expect your doctor to monitor you closely while taking it. Oral corticosteroids are not the same as anabolic steroids used illegally by some athletes to build muscle.


These stop histamine, a trigger of allergic swelling. They can relieve itching, sneezing, runny nose, and hives. They come in pills, liquids, disintegrating tablets, or nasal sprays. These treat seasonal and indoor allergies.

Mast cell stabilizers 

They are the ones that are used to prevent your body from releasing histamine. This helps with itchy, watery eyes or runny, itchy noses. They come to you as eye drops or nasal sprays.

After explaining and showing the signs to the doctor over live interacting video calling technology, you can quickly obtain extremely safe prescriptions. So, once the scheduled telemedicine doctor prescribes you, send the prescription to the nearest pharmacy partner on the same telemedicine application, where the process becomes easier and more efficient. 

Some of these medicines are easily obtainable over the pharmacy counter. So, when using a telemedicine application, you can contact your trusted pharmacy partner and ask him to deliver the medicine to you. But, some medicines can harm patients suffering from the diseases like Asthma. So, discuss your allergic symptoms, medical histories, and situations, get prescribed, and get medications whenever possible.

Deedmed Lives has paid attention to offering the features mentioned above, especially focusing on patients suffering from minor diseases. So, there is no waste of time, no travel costs, and no tiredness. Regarding allergy and immunology care, we have the island’s most specialist consultants and physicians to provide the services. Schedule your best doctor right now and get prescribed!


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