How to treat minor diseases in Sri Lanka via telemedicine?

Are you afraid of taking doctor advice remotely? Well. It is common among Sri Lankan people to be afraid of taking doctor advice, prescriptions, medicines, lab reports, and other medical-related products and services online due to various corruptions reported in the 21st century. But, some people are frightened to get doctor advice for minor diseases in Sri Lanka. When we look at the community, we see they are afraid due to a lack of knowledge and literacy. We have talked about this topic in one of our previous articles. You can visit the article by clicking on the below link.

How should an active telemedicine service in Sri Lanka be implemented?

You can refer to the above-linked article and learn how to reduce the problems and solve the issues regarding computer literacy with people. In this article, we are going to talk about the proper ways to treat minor diseases among people without making them frightened about telemedicine platforms.

What are the common minor diseases in Sri Lanka?

We have brought you the best treatments via telemedicine for some illnesses. However, we appreciate it if you don’t confuse minor and common diseases. And also, we haven’t mentioned minor conditions as the symptoms of other infections and chronic diseases. For example, Leptospirosis is an infection whose signs can show cold and flu. Whenever you know you are suffering from that illness, you should admit a hospital and get further treatments.

You can click on the following link to our previous article, which explained what diseases can be treated over telemedicine. Here we are going to explain how those diseases are treated.

Quickly treat these diseases with an online doctor appointment.
minor diseases in Sri Lanka
Whenever telemedicine has the potential to eliminate distance barriers and improve access to care, it helps you. It is not something to be frightened of or avoid. It gives you fast, secure, and adequate healthcare when you have chosen the right platform. Deedmed Lives is a platform where you can meet specialists, physicians, dentists, and psychologists. Today we briefly explain how a physician in a telemedicine platform helps to cure minor diseases in Sri Lanka.

Understanding the way of treating minor diseases in Sri Lanka

If you got a minor illness, like a cold, flu, sinus infection, skin rash, or minor injury, you might be wondering where to get treatment. Maintaining a relationship with a general practitioner familiar with your medical history is helpful. Walk-in clinics accommodate longer waits, and minor diseases don’t require any ER. Minor illness care is, by definition, any treatment for a health condition that is not an emergency. Likewise, minor diseases need some doctor advice, rest, antibiotics, and some home remedies. It is better to have some doctor’s advice to check if it is a symptom of an infection or to have the right antibiotic compared to your medical history.

How minor diseases occur and affect

When it comes to minor diseases, it is a broad topic. However, Allergies, Colds, Flu, Headaches, and Stomach Aches are the most common minor diseases among every age group in Sri Lanka. As the country is a tropical region, colds and flu are recent due to climatic changes. Flu and headache occur due to tiredness or mental stress after work or a long journey. Most people have taken painkillers at home for headaches they suffered recently, but taking painkillers for a long time for no reason can affect their health badly. So, that’s why they even need a doctor to get advice on such occasions. Spending long times in queues or at the clinics to cure a simple headache, cold, or flu due to the above reasons can be a waste of time and travel costs. Otherwise, it reduces the time for rest. Although taking medicines without doctor advice is terrible for health, telemedicine is the best option, where you can interact with a doctor quickly and efficiently.

How online doctors can treat common cold, headache, and flu

Telemedicine application to headaches is effortless and efficient. No one has to fear getting treatments. You can just place an appointment with a doctor whenever you feel a headache. So, the doctor can quickly go through your medical history once you have access and then connect with the doctor through live interaction, video calling, and audio facilities. The doctor may ask you the same questions as when you are at the clinic, and then the doctor can perfectly observe the patient.

Over one billion people in the world suffer from migraine. They need critical employment of healthcare resources. So, telemedicine can be an inexpensive tool to manage migraine patients with busy lifestyles and many responsibilities, while traditional clinic visits can cost money and time.

Important touches

You can find the best doctor to treat your headache quickly. Even if he or she is not your family doctor, you can give him or her easy access to your medical history. Once the doctor has gone through your medical history, the doctor can observe you through the camera and ask questions while you are resting. Since your medical history reveals the antibiotics you have taken and allergies to medicines, the doctor can go through them and give you the best prescription immediately. 

So, this is how to treat one of the most common minor diseases in Sri Lanka. The illness may be introduced as migraine or neurological disease when it becomes too severe. They are also not some emergencies. Those illnesses should not affect your day-to-day activities, income, and responsibilities. If you want to know how telemedicine can treat those diseases and other minor diseases, get in touch with Deedmed Lives.

Benefits of getting in touch with Deedmed Lives.

We are an innovative platform looking to develop powerful digital healthcare among Sri Lankan people. Since every class of people in Sri Lanka now have enough access to digital devices and platforms, we are innovating this to connect those with cost-effective and fruitful healthcare that is ongoing to improve their quality of life. Being healthy shouldn’t be something that only people with good luck and God’s blessing. It should be something that all people should benefit from without gaps.

So, we are acknowledging our audience through social media platforms by giving them knowledge of health, life tips, health education, and more. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and our blog to improve your healthy life by breaking the barriers.


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