How can we approach an effective online doctor channeling?

How can we approach effective online doctor channeling in Sri Lanka?

The covid-19 outbreak encouraged the global telemedicine networks to adopt and expand their services. Most developed countries had such platforms then, but the users were not enthusiastic about the circumstances. Somehow, people in those countries have adopted telemedicine and telehealth for easy access to healthcare, but still, developing countries are searching for such platforms. Telemedicine provides a safe alternative to in-person visits during the pandemic but introduces multiple decision points for simultaneous implementation. So, people in Sri Lanka may have many doubts and be illiterate about telemedicine, so it will be a challenge to establish an effective online doctor channeling network in Sri Lanka. We discussed these facts a few months ago. Some important topics are listed; you can reach them by clicking the links below.

  1. How should an active telemedicine service in Sri Lanka be implemented? 
  2. Why is it essential to introduce telehealth to rural Sri Lanka?
  3. Who can be involved in launching a successful telemedicine network in Sri Lanka?

Apart from the things we have already discussed above, we will discuss how to maintain a trustworthy, quality, and effective telemedicine network in Sri Lanka. Let’s have a look.

Understanding the effectiveness of Telemedicine

Meanwhile, many service providers are implementing telemedicine, telehealth services, emergency services, online pharmacy services, doctor channeling platforms, and many more. But do you know how many follow policies and guidelines on implementation and maintenance? That answers the point of the question, “How do we implement telehealth equitably, effectively, safely, and sustainably?” Most are still growing. Here we summarize one of the many features of telemedicine implementation. This is especially important in secure network settings that already face limited resources and fragmented health IT challenges. Continue reading to understand these topics separately and broadly.

online doctor channeling network in Sri Lanka

How to implement quality and effectiveness in an online doctor channeling network in Sri Lanka?

Regarding the productiveness of a telemedicine platform, the main focus is user-friendly technologies. A user-friendly telemedicine platform or an application must provide enough facilities for the users to engage in. Following are some of the features that should exist.

Audio and video conferencing abilities

The platform must have live interacting audio and video calling technology. So that users can convey their conditions to the doctor clearly, and the doctors also can identify the real-time status of the patient he is observing. Telehealth video conferencing also improves service quality and allows for timely healthcare. So, it strictly provides effective remoteness, social distancing, and efficiency. And also, the meetings should be arrangeable by doctors, patients, administrators, or someone who cares about the patient. 

User-friendly and easy to access

The system should be easily navigatable to doctors, patients, or guardians to establish an influential online doctor channeling network in Sri Lanka. Also, when those facilities are enabled, it becomes reliable and productive.

The essential functions should be as below.

The system should let patients 

  • log into the system to book an appointment using PCs, smartphones, or tablets.
  • Choose an available time slot and send a request to the doctor for an appointment.
  • Adding personal details and setting up appointment reminders.
  • Submitting an appointment request through e-mail or directly in the system.
  • Log into the system a few minutes before the meeting to test the webcam and audio settings.

The time between provider requests for a consult and receipt of consultation.

People are moving to telemedicine from physical healthcare due to several critical reasons they often face in their life. Some fundamentals are less traveling costs, less time usage, comfort, and no waiting. So, as a critical aspect, the waiting time of a patient when they need to consult a doctor must be minimum. 

Patient history management and analysis

If a patient has a family doctor or is channeling the same doctor in real life, the doctor has documents on the patient. But, physically, it is tough for both parties to refer them. However, it is the most valuable thing ever. In a country like Sri Lanka, where people don’t care too much about clinical history, an online doctor channeling network in Sri Lanka that has enabled this feature will upgrade their healthcare to another level. When this platform can save the patients’ history as reports, records, etc.? in a proper database, it can keep them for a lifetime even if the patient is channeling several doctors. There will also be easy access to those reports and records, helping the doctor better consultancy, and it provides more careful and productive virtual healthcare for the patient.

Patients privacy

Someone’s medical history must be confidential. If your telemedicine network is secure and safe, your medical histories and everything should be encrypted. Since if they are exposed to any of the threats you have, it may put your life in danger. 

But how?

Let’s discuss them separately in the next blog. Keep in touch with us.

However, suppose you want to experience a safe and secured virtual healthcare experience that saves your money, time, and relaxation while also letting you feel secure and safe. In that case, the platform should protect the patients’ medical history badly.

Try Deedmed Lives

Deedmed has enabled everything to establish a better telemedicine network in Sri Lanka with all the above features. Most of our additional pro features are only in Deedmed, where we are trying to approach another level of telemedicine. We will always be with you!

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